

Benefits of halal meat

Safety and Hygiene

In order to be raise halal meat, farmers must adhere to certain rules and regulations such as giving healthy feed and maintain propers hygiene conditions in order to maintain the health and wellbeing of their animals.

Ethical and Good Quality

It is not allowed to slaugther a sick animal so the process for halal farming is to make sure the animals are kept healthy. Use of antibiotics, chemicals and growth hormones are not allowed and this ensures that halal slaughtered meat is premium quality. Halal animal is always fed on vegetarianf food and grass. Thir meat is rich in vitamins, omega-3 fat and antioxidants which are healthy for the humans.

Humane and Tasty

Animals that are slaughtered using halal methods feel less pain. They are treated with dignity until their last moments. Since most of the blood slaughtered from the animal is drained, the meat is tender, supple and juicy. Blood contains lactic acid which can negatively affect the taste of meat.